Enriching the lives of our choristers
Pueri Cantores San Gabriel Valley is committed to educating children and the general public in the choral arts and other art forms. The means for providing such education includes, but is not limited to developing and maintaining a childrens’ choir or choirs with regular rehearsals, training classes and public performances.
Chorister testimonials
"Early in life I learned, if you truly want something, chase after it because good things come to those who take risks. After nailing my solo, my music director invited me to join his distinguished choir, Pueri Cantores. I started his beginner's choir and worked my way to his intermediate one, both groups requiring an audition to move up. Around this time, my grandmother passed away of cancer. My family asked that I sing at her funeral, a performance that would define who I am and who I want to become. I remember it hurt. Looking at them hurt, looking out into a crowd of sobbing people. But, as words spilled out of my mouth I realized: something as simple as singing a song could comfort a room of grieving people. This ability to "cure" people from their afflictions has driven me to pursue my dream of becoming a physician. As years passed, I earned a spot in Pueri Cantores' advanced choir....With choir, I became a leader. I stayed long enough to be the oldest member and set a positive example for the younger children. With my visit to Italy, my world expanded past California, the only place I'd been exposed to, and allowed me to explore the idea of practicing medicine on a global scale." ..... Amanda Aguilar"..no travel experience has better prepared my mind, heart, and spirit than my tours of Italy with the choir. Youth of all ages are able to not only obtain unparalleled access to historical sites, but are supported with empowering professionalism during performances at world-renowned venues. Additionally, a beautiful aspect of touring Italy with this choir in particular is the lifelong friendships that are formed. Moreover, responsibility, teamwork, and compassion are just a few of the transferable skills and life lessons I gained that I still utilize to this day.” ....... Dr. Milo Dodson, Licensed Psychologist
“Touring in Rome as a young chorister opened my eyes and ears to recognize my Catholic choral music heritage and my membership in an international family of singers.” ……… - Carla Miller-Kupchecko, M.A.
In studying the unique role of music in education, researchers in the field of mind/brain development have assembled compelling evidence to indicate that music education significantly improves the testing skills of children and adults. Students with a strong background in the study of music consistently score higher in standard examinations. From an aesthetic perspective, some of the greatest masters of musical composition have called upon the voices of children to portray the purity of truth and exuberant joy in their sacred choral works. Children possess in their singing voices, a tremendous medium for expression, unique to their youth. Although childhood is a mark of immaturity in other forms of skill and expression, the quality of a choir of children can stand on an equal par with the most celebrated musical ensembles of the world.
If you prefer to donate via check please send a check payable to Pueri Cantores San Gabriel Valley to:
Pueri Cantores San Gabriel Valley
1113 E Larkwood St. West Covina CA 91790